One of my passions is being a children’s music instructor. I feel so blessed and full of gratitude
that one of my jobs is doing something I absolutely love, love, love doing!
In my music curriculum, I teach note values using Zolton Kodály’s method.
We call quarter notes “Ta” notes;
A pair of eighth notes “Ti-ti” notes;
A quartet of sixteenth notes “Tika tika”.
Triplets are called “Tre-o-la” or “Trip-a-let”
The syllables I use for the larger notes differ a bit from Kodály’s original method, but is based on the same concept.
We call half notes “Two-oo” notes;
Whole notes “Toh-oh-oh-oh” or sometimes we say “Hold for 4 beats”
For quarter rests we say “Sh”, half rests “Sh-sh”, etc
Click here to read about my note value flash cards